Pyramid Peak Trip Report

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Monday, August 28,2000

I completed a successful climb of Pyramid Peak on Monday, August 28, 2000. I had attempted to climb this Fourteener 2 weeks prior however succumbed to Aspen food poisioning at 11,500 feet from my pre climb dinner the night before. What a miserable experience to be behind a tree every 10 minutes. I had been concerned about the monsoons that we had been experiencing along the front range but the weather held. I started climbing at about 4:30am and reached the summit 5hrs and 15 minutes later and was provided a beautiful view of Capitol, the Bells, Snowmass and Castle Peak. There were only 3 other climbers that day on the peak however I still welcomed wearing a helmet! I was the only climber to wear one. Another gentleman decided it must have been more fashionable to keep his on the outside of his pack, until he was below me being hailed by a barrage of assorted rocks. The climbing was relatively easy as I was able to stay on route. In my opinion, I thought Capitol was more difficult but that may have been as a result of the colorful pre trip commentary given by my good friend and BMS instructor Dennis Kelly. Dennis has a knack for telling it "like it is!" and he is an excellent climber! It felt like it took nearly as long to descend the steep trails as it did to ascend. I took a small break in the north facing ampitheater on the way back and listened the incessant rock fall off that face. I could not imagine how anyone could climb that route. Well, it was back to the parking lot in the early afternoon. I treated myself to a "cold one" and then proceed to make the return trip to Denver.One of my next goals is the Bell Cord Couloir between the Bells.

Happy Climbing.

Karla Pifer